
To know Cynthia, you will experience her heart for God – for others to desire His Word – to dig deeply into its depths. She loves the unusual and will create the unique when possible. She adores her two cats, is refreshed by new rainfall and deep dives in piles of snow. She loves her adventurous husband and is so thankful for her spiritually strong mom. Her wish for everyone is to experience, “Daily time with God – the most valuable minutes to spend on earth.”

Travel Books

& More

Ever get lost in your own backyard? I did. Well, not literally. For over 30 years, I’ve roamed the Pacific Northwest, traveled to over 40 states too! But here’s the kicker: my sense of direction is the worst. Good thing I have my husband. While I love spontaneous adventures, I know not everyone does. Hence, my mission – to blend quirks with convenience. Our travel guide for Washington, Oregon and Idaho does just that. They map out the best spots. You get lodging, eats, and must-see sites, all planned out. 

No more getting lost unless you want to.

Remember every wrong turn is just a new story to tell. Why not make these stories more enjoyable. Check out our travel guides. Explore the northwest easily. Mix the practical with the unexpected and create beautiful, stress-free memories.

View travel books & more

Growth in

God's Word

Ever felt lost reading the Bible? You’re not alone! Many do.

One day it hit me, I thought, share it Cynthia – strategies and ideas I use to study the Bible – with others. I compare it to my habit of eating M&M’s, slowly, savoring one at a time, and then I can’t stop.

Well, that’s what happens when you dig into the Word of God. You can’t get enough, you want more. That’s how these books were born. Jesus nudged me, and I listened. A journey into God’s Word was crafted. For anyone, beginners, avid Bible readers, you name it.

This guide offers practical, easy-to-grasp strategies. Bite-sized chunks. Not overwhelming but fulfilling. Learn at your pace. Grow closer to the Lord. Understand His words deeply. It’s not just about reading; it’s about absorbing and feeling His presence.

Ready for a journey that changes everything?
That’s what you’ll gain here.

Start today, choose a study book and see where the Word takes you.

Psalm 1:2-3


His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law, he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted and fed by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; its leaves do not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.



A passion to provide resources that strengthen personal relationships with Jesus. We offer:


Resources to strengthen your spiritual growth and deepen your faith.

Teens and young adults: 

Cool tools to help them dive deep into the Word of God.

One-month Bible study challenges:

It’s like a 30-day workout challenge but for your faith!

Unique and breathtaking travel experiences:

Trips that will literally take your breath away.

Easily organized travel adventures: 

Perfect for all age groups, whether you’re a planner or not.

All-in-one hiking, camping, eating, sleeping, and attractions:

The Swiss Army knife for travel spots.

Be inspired to see the world created for our wonder – through exploration and through the Word of God. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to connect with us today.